I have 1 dog, Red my male Min Pin.
I have 4 birds they are Sweety a male gray cockatiel, Jery a male gray cockatiel, Kitty a lunito female cockatiel, and Ozzy
my male green rump Parrotlet.
I have 1 snake, Ekans my male Ball Python.
I have 2 female green anoles.
I have 3 female leopard geckos they are Gecky(normal), short stuff (high yellow mix temper albino. I have one male leopard
gecko he is a Temper Albino named Sesshmoru.
I have 2 female rats. They are Snowpuff a white dumbo rat and Sugar a hairless dumbo rat. I have 1 male rat named Rufus, he's
a white albino.
I have a fire belly Newt named Fig.
I have a female Rose hair tarantula named Kagura.
I have 9 breeder mice, 7 females and 2 males.
I have a young African mudskipper.
I have 1 gold fish.
I have 1 crown tail betta.
I have 1 Yellow Belly Slider, it's my boy friends but it's at my house *turtle*.
I have 1 African Giant Millipede named milli.
I have a fiddler crab.
I also have a freshwater pipefish.
That's all for now, till I get more.
Go see my newest neopet Kagome_baby2003.
go here
my neo pet. cleck here to see Draychi101.
my neo pet. I have another neopet. go to see Blue_Shannon85.
my neopet,I just got me a new little pet go see him......

Sesshomaru my male temper albino leopard gecko. |

Ozzy is a green rump Parrotlet. The smallest out of them all. |

my newt |

Buster my bigle mix pit *RIP* |

These are my mice I had years ago as breeders. In the pic there is some of my female mice the male & some other females
are not in the pic.RIP

OK the tan/white mouse male and others are the females. Some from other pic above. RIP |

These are all my fish tanks. The 20 gallon long has goldfish the other pic is all my betta bowls.

ekans eating a mouse.

this is geico my female leo & if you look it the back you can see red.

this is sweety

this is gecky my female leo
Pics of some birds I saved.

A one eye morning dove |

A baby blue jay |

A morning dove that had a broke wing |